Congratulations to Christy Kinney for reaching 15 Years at Holland!

Congratulations to Christy Kinney for reaching 15 Years at Holland!

November 15, 2021

To celebrate some of our Holland family’s tremendous milestones with the company, we asked for their story of how they’ve moved throughout the company over the years.

Below is Christy’s story. Please congratulate Christy Kinney for her 15 years with Holland! What an accomplishment!

“I started my Holland career in November 2006. I was fortunate enough to be hired by Stefan Pendrick in the HED Engineering department. My first position at Holland was Engineering Manufacturing Process Controller. My duties were creating and maintaining part numbers in IFS, maintaining structures, work orders, and engineering change management.

I want to give a shout-out to Stefan Pendrick, Bob Norby, Randy Haberman, Brandon Huynh, and Tess Jordan. I enjoyed my first role here at Holland, and I was privileged to have worked with such a strong, dedicated team.

In the summer of 2008, I moved to RMSS as a Rangecam Data Analyst under Bob Madderom and Cindy Ruggles. This is where I found my true passion. In this role, I analyze track collection data collected by the TrackSTAR units. From 2008 to the present day, I have been the sole liaison data analyst for Canadian National rail-bound test cars.

What is a Rangecam Data Analyst? We gather all customer track test collection raw data files, import the data into a Rangecam Access database, clean up anomalies, and identify rail type/align all collection, geometry, and rail profile to historical runs. Then collection runs are put in a PDF format for a visual bird’s eye view for the customer. Rangecam calculated reporting may also be performed to help assist railroads forecasting for rail/tie replacement in potential critical areas.

I would also like to shout-out to the whole RMSS team, with my sincere thanks to:

  • Cindy Ruggles, my manager for the past 13 years, who has always been patient and supportive in coaching my career as a Data Analyst
  • Rangecam Developers Rui Zhang and Igor Markhvida for always coming to the rescue
  • The Legend Bob Tuzik (retired Rangecam Manager) and Kevin Day from Canadian National, early in my career challenged me beyond the abilities I didn’t think I was ready to achieve. They help mold analyst I have become.
  • RMSS Services, Operations, Gerry Coyne, Derrick Lynch, Russ Newburg, John Hammons, Mike Fowler, Charles Ferguson
  • The hard-working, dedicated TrackSTAR Crews for being the backbone of our department!
  • Finally, a special Thank you to my Co-workers Mary-Ann Westerhoff and Ann Kuhn, and an honorable mention for Michael Carpen!

I have been quite blessed in the lifelong relationships working at Holland has brought me”

Congratulations, Christy!